
Welcome! On this site there are links to my books and other publications; you can read a poem, essay or story here — and watch a poetry reading at the Ledding Library’s Pond House in Milwaukie, Oregon. My Tarot work has a page here, as does my poetry show on KBOO Community Radio; here’s the only episode in which I featured my own work. And, of course, there’s a page about abortion healthcare with many related themes&topics: JANE.


In the last several years, a few filmmakers have put serious energy into films about abortion. Some are based on, or specifically about, Chicago’s underground pre-Roe abortion service, often called JANE. Information about those films, including some made quite recently, is included on the JANE page.

Oregon’s Left Fork Books published Hello. This is Jane. in 2020; it’s a collection of stories inspired by Chicago’s underground abortion service (and by tattooing ….. yes, really). Though the bookstore celebration was cancelled because of the pandemic, you can get the book online direct from the publisher (paperback or ebook), read a free preview at this link, order copies from your local independent bookstores, and encourage your local libraries to add copies to their collections. Moreover, Flowstone, the poetry branch of Left Fork, has just brought out a second edition — newly edited — of What if your mother, a collection of motherhood poems featuring (among other themes) abortion decisions. You’ll find necessary/relevant links on the JANE page and the book page.

At the end of 2020, Gokul Prabhu (who has also written a review of the fiction collection) selected one of the stories for the Sundress blog’s “Best-Dressed” ….... here it is, with a brief bio of Gokul; he is in India — and yes, that means this book can go anywhere.

Here’s a story from BEAR WITNESS, produced by Erin Yanke and Moe Bowstern at Portland’s Jack London Bar.  That event was the first time I included my cancer experience in my art, and (in case you are dubious) I gotta say that making art out of cancer actually went well.  Click up this audio clip, hosted by Portland’s KBOO Community Radio; it includes Moe’s brief intro and her thoughtful, useful words at the end. 

For info about + links to my work in journals, zines and collections, click Selected Works.

As the song says, you must remember this ........ shop at your local, independent bookstores; support the reading and writing community you love.